3 resultados relacionados con "Erik Sebille".
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Artículo de revista
The Role of Ekman Currents, Geostrophy, and Stokes Drift in the Accumulation of Floating Microplastic

Atmospheric Composition and Structure, Biogeosciences, General, General Circulation, Geodesy and Gravity, global ocean circulation, Lagrangian modeling, Marine Pollution, Mass Balance, microplastic accumulation, Ocean Monitoring with Geodetic Techniques, Oceanography, Physical, Pollution, s, stokes drift, Urban and Regional, Urban, Regional and Global

Año de publicación: 2019

Artículo de revista
Retention and Leakage of Water by Mesoscale Eddies in the East Australian Current System

Aquatic Science, Atmospheric Science, cyclonic anticyclonic, Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous), Earth-Surface Processes, East Australian Current, Ecology, eddies, Forestry, Geochemistry and Petrology, Geophysics, Lagrangian, leakage, Oceanography, Palaeontology, retention, Soil Science, Space and Planetary Science, Taverne, Water Science and Techn...

Año de publicación: 2019

Artículo de revista
Plastics in sea surface waters around the Antarctic Peninsula

Algae, Aquatic microorganisms, Dispersal, Invertebrates, Oceans, Plastic debris, Plastics, Polyethylene, Polyurethane, Sampling

Año de publicación: 2019